About Us

Brad Harris

Owner of Pain Free By Design Inc.
Certified Posture Alignment Specialist
Certified Ace Fitness Personal Trainer
Accredited Exercise Therapist in The Egoscue Method

I began my journey as a Health Practitioner after witnessing the power postural therapy had on my family by saving them from debilitating pain through the book “Pain Free”. My mother had low back /sciatica pain that kept her in bed some days and within 20 minutes her pain went from an "excruciating 10" to a "mild 1" through a few simple/gentle exercises. We were amazed at how simple yet effective this method was! As a former personal trainer I had always been interested in health and fitness, but now I had found something that could truly change someones life and I couldn't keep this news a secret. I had found my calling and dedicated myself to learning more to benefit others in need. Since then I have worked several years with the Egoscue Headquarters as a therapist bringing many people worldwide out of pain and back to an active life! Now I reside in my home town of Mobile, AL serving the local people back to good health and others worldwide through virtual video therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Posture Therapy ? 

At Pain Free By Design our basis is The Egoscue Method, a Postural Treatment, founded by Pete Egoscue in the 70s. We believe that both chronic and acute pain is due to misalignment in the body as it loses its designed posture. The human body is designed to move! However, with most of society becoming more and more sedentary, the body develops musculoskeletal dysfunctions and compensations. When those are present, pain and injury set in or are lurking right around the corner. The Egoscue Method restores the body back to its designed posture, alleviating pain and returning you back to an active, pain-free lifestyle.

How does Posture Therapy work?

Pain Free By Design  uses a series of gentle movements, exercises , stretches , and postural positions to return musculoskeletal balance and symmetry to your body. It’s no secret that muscles move bones. If your body has lost its designed posture, it’s because muscles have moved your bones into a new, dysfunctional position. Pain is the body’s way of alerting you to the fact that your body isn’t aligned—and therefore isn’t moving—properly. Through posture therapy, your muscles will be reeducated and reminded how they need to function in order to maintain proper alignment.

How long will it take for me to see results and feel better?

All of our clients respond differently and on different timelines. However, the vast majority feel different after their first visit. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself; you just have to give it a chance. Remember, you most likely didn’t get into your current position overnight, and you won’t get out of it overnight. Posture Therapy is a process, but one with a remarkable 94 percent success rate since its inception.

Can I still see other health practitioners while doing Posture Therapy at Pain Free By Design?

Yes of course ! Posture Therapy can be used in conjunction with many different healing modalities. That being said, our goal is to return control of your health back to your hands so that ultimately you aren’t dependent on another person or machine to achieve an optimal state of health. Our “hands off” approach educates you on what you need to do to fix yourself.